Paraponera clavata (Fabricius, 1775)

Bullet ant (EN) | Kogelmier (NL)
© Didier Descouens, cut-out of original CC BY-SA 4.0
Conservation status: NA
Adult size: 18 - 30 mm
Diet: Omnivore
Activity: Primarily nocturnal
Lifestyle: Subterranean, arboreal

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Bullet ants (Paraponera clavata) are remarkable insects found in Central and South America, renowned for their excruciatingly painful sting and unique cultural significance.
P. clavata

Size and Appearance:

Bullet ants are large and robust insects, measuring approximately 18 to 30 mm in length. They have a striking reddish-black appearance, resembling stout, wingless wasps. Interestingly, these ants do not display polymorphism in the worker caste, and even the queen ant isn't significantly larger than the workers. They aren't inherently aggressive but become ferocious defenders when their nest is threatened, using a potent sting to deter intruders. Territoriality results in intercolony agression and often mortality for the losing colonies.

Habitat and Distribution:

These ants are primarily found in the wet Neotropical regions of Central and South America. Their habitat spans from Honduras and El Salvador in the north to Venezuela, Colombia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil in the south. They are typically located in lowland areas, although some colonies have been discovered at elevations as high as 1,500 meters.

Bullet ant colonies typically house several hundred individuals, with nests usually situated at the bases of trees. Unlike many other ant species, bullet ants primarily forage in the canopy of the forest, foraging for small arthropods and nectar. Their nests are often found beneath a variety of tree species, suggesting little active selection of nest sites by these ants.
Bullet ants have the most painful sting in the world.


Bullet ants (Paraponera clavata) are omnivorous insects with a diet that includes a variety of food sources. While their primary focus is on preying upon small invertebrates like insects and spiders, they also forage for nectar, honeydew, and plant sap. The worker ants venture into the surrounding environment to hunt for prey and gather plant-based resources. Bullet ants possess powerful mandibles and a potent venomous sting, making them formidable predators.

Reproduction and Reproductive Behavior:

Bullet ants exhibit a eusocial reproductive system, organized into colonies with a single reproductive female known as the queen. The queen's primary role is egg-laying, and she is assisted by sterile worker ants in colony maintenance and foraging. Worker ants, all female, handle tasks like foraging, defending the nest, and caring for the queen's offspring. Mature colonies produce winged males and new queens that fly out to establish new colonies.

Sting and pain:

Bullet ants are infamous for possessing the most painful insect sting in the world, according to Justin O. Schmidt's sting pain index. On this index, their sting ranks at an astonishing 4.0+, which is described as akin to "[w]alking over flaming charcoal with a three-inch nail embedded in your heel." Some unfortunate victims have even likened the pain to that of being shot, giving the ant its fitting name.

The pain from a bullet ant sting is agonizing and relentless, causing "waves of burning, throbbing, all-consuming pain that continues unabated for up to 24 hours." Physical symptoms such as lymphadenopathy, edema, tachycardia, and the appearance of fresh blood in feces are common after being stung by one of these ants.

The venom responsible for this excruciating pain contains poneratoxin, a paralyzing neurotoxic peptide that affects voltage-dependent sodium ion channels, blocking synaptic transmission in the central nervous system. Scientists are exploring the potential medical applications of this venom.

Ecosystem role:

Bullet ants play a vital role in their ecosystem as both predators and prey. As predators, they contribute to the control of insect populations by hunting various invertebrates. Their foraging activities help maintain a balance in the arthropod community. Additionally, bullet ants serve as prey for larger animals, including birds and mammals, forming a crucial part of the food web. Their presence and activities contribute to nutrient cycling in the rainforest floor. Moreover, the construction of their nests helps aerate and mix the soil, influencing the overall health and structure of the forest ecosystem.

Threats and conservation

Bullet ants face several threats, primarily habitat loss due to deforestation and human activities. As rainforests are cleared for agriculture and development, the natural habitats of these ants are disrupted. Although there is not much known about population numbers or trends, protecting large intact forest areas and promoting sustainable land-use practices are good steps to ensure their survival.

Cultural Significance:

Bullet ants play a unique role in the cultures of the regions they inhabit. The Sateré-Mawé people of Brazil incorporate bullet ant stings into their initiation rites for warriors or leaders. During these rites, 80 bullet ants are woven into gloves with their stingers facing inward. The ants are first rendered unconscious and then awakened, causing them to become agitated and aggressive. The initiate wears these gloves for a period, during which time the venom temporarily paralyzes their hand and part of their arm. This initiation must be completed multiple times over months or years to achieve full status.

In different regions, bullet ants have various names reflecting their fearsome reputation. For instance, in Venezuela, they are called "hormiga veinticuatro" (the "24 ant") due to the day-long pain that follows their sting. In Brazil, they are known as "formiga cabo verde" or simply "formigão," meaning "big black ant." Native American-derived names like "tocandira" emphasize the ant's ability to wound deeply. In Costa Rica, they go by "bala", meaning "bullet", highlighting the intensity of their sting. These cultural associations demonstrate the profound impact of bullet ants on the people who share their environment.

Recent studies:

Bullet ants have been found to scavenge mouse carcasses in a 2020 study, and carrion likely comprises a part of their diet. In 2022 they were observed foraging on an Anolis lizard. Bullet ants appear to be a prey item to cane toads (R. marina), but a 2023 report mentions a leaf toad (R. margaritifera) which died after apparently trying to eat a bullet ant. The bullet ant was found in its throat. A study in 2019 mentions a stingless bee (Partamona testacea) apparently associates with either bullet ants or leaf cutter ants.
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